The balance beam, check out her friend cheering her on.
The bear, Bella's favorite tumbling move.
The log roll and the parachute.
Meet my new best friend, fresh from the shelves of target. I first became acquaintances with it on Saturday at my friend Denise's house. Yes Denise, while you lay helplessly in the hospital, I was at your house playing with your swiffer wet jet. I promise I wasn't neglecting your children, at least not that much:)
Usually when I clean the floors I vacuum then mop. In between, though, the kiddos make all kinds of messes and that is where my new friend will come in. I hate sticky floors, but I also hate the vacuum/mop routine. Welcome to our humble home swiffer wet jet, I'm so glad you're here.
p.s. I realize this is a ridiculous post, but I am a housewife and breakthroughs in housecleaning make me happy.
Tomorrow is a sad day for us because our friends Jay, Andi, and their boys are moving to Jay can be close to the whataburgers chain again. Good luck with your sparkly new house and job, you will be missed.Note to the rest of my friends: I can't take any more of this moving nonsense. Neither can my children. Please stop or I'll sic Oscar the dog on you.
Andi and Elizabeth at our fiesta sendoff.
Yesterday we celebrated my Grandma's 89th birthday. I love spending time with my extended family, the kids have fun as well. The picture of Bern and Grandma blowing out the candles together melts my heart a little bit. I love being in my Grandma's house, I have such good memories there. Grandma used to make a mean chocolate chip cookie, and would make like 12 dozen at a time. Which made me very happy.
There are always treasures to be found there, yesterday Bern discovered a bow (luckily the arrows were missing) and played Robin Hood for the day.