So it's October and I blogged once in September. In my defense we were busy. But, I failed to commemorate our 10 anniversary, and there is no excuse for that my friends! Except to say I was actually celebrating our milestone rather than typing about it. We had a great day, and spent some time in wine country. In some ways it doesn't seem like 10 years have passed, and in other ways it has as I am feeling a bit ummm, older. I am so thankful for Brian, and that I found one of the best at such a young age. Let's face it, I was not looking for a husband at band camp! But, I needed him and God knew that, and I am very blessed.
In honor of our anniversary, I present to you a montage of Heather and Brian through the years:
San Francisco, we made some new friends.
Prom/homecoming fashions through the years. Pretty, huh?

I think this was within the first year or 2 of our marriage, we were vacationing in DC, and the Carolinas.

Our 1st Christmas tree.
College dress-up party.

One of Brian's office parties, classic.

Enough about us, how about our cute little bubble baby?

She's very adept at helping herself to snacks in the pantry.

Cheetos make her happy.

Tutu's do not.

She has also gotten good at stripping down in her crib, but at least she hasn't figured out how to get her diaper off.