Monday, March 29, 2010

Gabbi's New Trick

She makes a face like this and snorts.

We all love it so we spend the entire day trying to get her to do it.

Which means she has 4 people in her face, making this face, and snorting at her all day long.

I'm sure it's hard to be so loved.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm having trouble keeping up with my life right now, and here is one of the reasons why! Baby girl keeps me on my toes! Biter biscuits are stupid.

The girls are big cuddlers in the morning, it's just one big love-fest. Till someone gets hungry.

Gabbi likes to take a tubby with her sister. They like to talk about girly things, such as the best shade of pink for toenails.

Bern has lost another tooth, and is now missing both bottom teeth, which is ironic because those are the two teeth that Gabbi has. So if he is having trouble chewing his steak we just let Gabbi have at it for a few minutes. He was really thrilled because he went to the dentist the day after and got a tooth box, which apparently is a hot commodity.
We got to catch up with a lot of friends this weekend, had a great time but it took a lot out of us. We need a vacation from our vacations!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where do we keep babies in the Luitjohan household?
Clue #1


Under the bed, silly, they keep longer there! With crusty baby food all over their cheeks (in case they get hungry).

And we put their bibs on so they look like capes, because who doesn't like the superhero look?

Got drool?

Bella Princess Mommy had her dial 3 screening (a developmental-type test) this week, and memorable moments included: When asked her first, middle and last name Bella replied Bella Princess Mommy. When asked what to do when you break something her reply was tell the truth (somebody's been watching veggie tales). She was shown pictures of colors, and was asked to name as many as she could in 30 seconds. Apparently she thought that meant she had to shout the colors, as LOUD AS POSSIBLE!
Bernard is out and about visiting all the grandparents this week, as it is cycle break time around here. We all miss him, but Bella especially, she's asked when he's coming back almost every hour since he left.

Friday, March 5, 2010

It appears

That someone likes to get themselves stuck under beds.

She does anytime I put her down on the carpet, no matter how far from the bed I place her. Then she's all "MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA" till I rescue her.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bernard's first lost tooth!

It was not without tears, it was not without drama, but we have a lost tooth! Our boy is getting big!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Baby

We have had 65 weekends in a row where at least one or more of us were sick, and frankly I'm sick of it. Glad that spring is on the horizon and bad germies will go into hibernation for a while. Despite having an ear infection, she's still pretty happy.

Warning: Cute baby laughing, so if you want to stay grumpy don't watch.