Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This weekend we got to play host to our friend Hayli and her baby girl, who were in town visiting. My other friend Andi is in town so we had ourselves a little girls night out. It was fun to have a baby in the house, the kids loved entertaining her (Bern was her own personal clown) and were sad when they left. Hayli also came bearing gifts, check out the adorable bibs she made! I really want to learn to sew, but never feel like actually taking a class. I also want to learn to garden. Anyone willing to teach me? And by teach me I mean come to my house and till some soil. I think it might be best to start gardening next summer since we have a time bomb (I mean sweet little baby) arriving soon.

On Saturday we caught up with some old college buddies, and had a nice dinner together, and Sunday we crashed. It's funny how when you're pregnant the littlest things wear you out. I am trying to take care of myself and get to the gym but it seems like my best laid plans can be thwarted so easily. The problem is that I'm only going about once a week, and then I'm sore for days. If I could get there regularly I think I would do much better. I guess I also need a personal trainer willing to hunt me down when I'm a no show.

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