Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Last week Brian and I headed to Savannah to attend my friend Patti's wedding. Along the way we made stops in Nashville and Atlanta to visit friends, and spent a few days in Hilton Head to visit the ocean. It is never easy to leave your kids for a long period of time, but my mom did a great job with them and some alone time was much needed. We had a wonderful trip, full of good friends, food, quiet time, etc. Here are some pics from the beautiful wedding. A couple of the pics are small due to the fact that I am pirating them off my friend Jill's snapfish account.

The gorgeous bride and her groom. Is that not the most beautiful gown ever?

Grade school/high school friends Jill, Patti, myself, and Jacquelyn at the Friday night party.

On Sunday night we met our friends Hayli, Nathan, and BJ at passion city church and got to worship with Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio, which was a very fun experience. We couldn't wait to get back home and see the monkeys, and now we are trying to get back into the swing of normal life again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful!