Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm in the annoying part of the pregnancy where all I can think about is the nursery and the birth. It's a lot like planning a wedding and not thinking about what life will be like after the day, all you can think about is the event. We ended up switching doctors this week, I went back to the doctor who delivered Bella. I left his practice because his office was about a half hour from our house, and I have trouble making it to an appointment 5 minutes away, let alone 30. He was very natural birth/low interventions friendly, which I loved. But, at the time we weren't even sure about having another so I wasn't too concerned.

The doctor I switched too was very nice, but very conservative. We gave him a list of birthing wishes (that was printed out from the hospital's web page-nothing too radical) and he wasn't exactly on board. I believe his first comment was "sure hope it's not a long labor" which did not give me the best vibe. I have also been told a couple stories from friends that delivered with him that he gave them an episiotomy even though they told him not to, which I think is a breach of trust. Anyway, my old doctor now has an office in O'fallon, and I figured it couldn't hurt to ask if I could come back. So, we are back and now I feel much better. Also, my due date has moved back down to the original date, Aug. 5th, yay! Not that the baby is not going to come till she wants to come, but it makes me feel better.

Her room is looking pretty, we kept the walls sage and are going with a chocolate/pink minky dot motif. I'll post some pictures when it's a little further along. Have I mentioned that it is hot here? Because it is. Very very hot.


ErinL said...

Oh boy are you bringing back memories. I had similar issues with the doctor who delivered Clayton. Unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to leave....luckily she was gone when he was born so I got my way anyway! Then I got smart and went to another doctor for Evan who didn't make comments like "Yeah we'll see" when I told her I wanted a natural birth.

Hayli S said...

Good for you. You already have enough craziness to worry about without having doubts about your doctor.
Don't you LOVE summer pregnancies. I feel your pain sista!

Jenn said...

Just put yourself into a pool and don't get out. It's really that simple! And since my baby was born less than 24 hours after Hayli's baby, I feel your pain too, sista. :-)

Too Soon To Tell said...

I talked with Stefanie today, and she is 50% effaced and dilated to 1 She was off to KC for a Royal's game. I asked if she told her dr., but she forgot. Her blood pressure was a little high, so she had to have extra lab work to make certain there isn't preemclampsia, but won't find out until Mon. I don't know how either of you are handling this heat!