Thursday, July 9, 2009

Operation Baby Watch, 2009

Instead of posting a 36 week picture, I'll just post Gloria because that's who I most resemble at this time. What can I say, my husband "loves to love me" and there are consequences to that. If you haven't seen Madagascar 2 then disregard what I'm saying because it won't make much sense.

We went in for my weekly checkup yesterday and I'm one centimeter dilated! Not that it means anything but it's better than not being dilated at all. I've been having irregular contractions here and there and the baby dropped a couple weeks ago. We went to six flags on Tuesday (I think I can owe the one centimeter to trudging around the steaming blacktop) and I was denied every single ride there except the colossus. I highly recommend not going to six flags while preggo, at least silver dollar city allowed me to ride the kiddie rides and a few others. An older attendant wouldn't even allow me to ride the scooby doo ride (former castaway kids for all of you who haven't been there in a while) because I was in the "family way". He actually asked me if I was in the family way. I tried to suck my belly in, but was not successful. Not sure how a boat ride that goes less than 1 mile an hour could be harmful to summer girl, but whatever.

Yesterday my mom took the kids out for the day and treated me to a pedicure, so now the nurses and doctors can admire my beautiful tootsies while I labor. I also stocked up on Bernie's school supplies, he starts kindergarten in one week! The kids are both doing well, but not getting along as well as they usually do, I think they are getting sick of each other. Bella's perfecting the art of screaming and Bern's working on his aggravating skills. Mommy's ready for school to start!


Jaime Sue said...

I am sure you look better than a hippo :)

Anonymous said...

I am also sure of that.
Kindergarten in one week! Wow!

Anonymous said...

You look nothing like Gloria - except maybe the eyelashes. You always look cute pregnant, also, Bern and Bella just need a diversion - like a new baby sister!
Love Mom

Brian said...

Girl you so huge. I love your plumpyness.