Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry for the long absence! Our modem went kaput and I have too many kids. Since I've been gone I've made breakfast, lunch, and dinner about 67 times, wiped noses, pushed children on swings, got a new bike, rode the new bike, tickled bellies, and tried to get some sleep.
Today I woke up to lots of kisses and lovely gifts from the children, then we participated in our church's child dedication. It was blessing to us to have our church family (and real family) praying over us.

Gabbi's making her sassy-girl face.

Gabbi felt moved by the spirit and decided to bestow a blessing upon Bernard. Bella wishing the dedication would hurry up and get over with, she is missing snack time in her classroom.

Brian's mom made us a beautiful christening gown (out of my wedding shawl) when I was pregnant with Bernard, all three kids were able to wear it.

With Grammy

With Grandma and Grandpa.

Sassy-face swinging.

Then we finished out the day with some good family time and food.

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