This year we had a ninja, wonder woman, and a dalmatian. A little random but still cute. Gabbi went trick or treating with us in the cul-de-sac, then stayed behind with daddy to hand out candy. The big kids and I trick or treated with our neighbor Max and his mom, and it was a lot of fun. The kids were so excited and sweet. I didn't teach them any jokes before we left but I heard a funny little ditty by Bern. It went a little something like this: knock knock, who's there, bag, bag who, please put some candy in it?
Earlier in the day we took the kids to Daniel's, one of the local pumpkin patches. Highlights included petting the animals, running around in the mazes, swinging, train rides, grinding corn. Low lights included Gabbi eating the corn while playing in the corn bin, which resulted in some "issues" for her the next day. And Bern's hard head accidentally colliding with another boy's mouth in the maze, resulting in the boy losing a permanent tooth. Not cool at all.
Bad baby! Don't eat the corn!
Sometimes they drive me batty! Ha ha ha he he. Now we know where the boy gets his bad jokes from.
Gabbi and daddy horsing around.
Where is Daniel's? We used to go to Lakeview Farms, but they don't have the pumpkins or mazes anymore. :( Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! I love the girls' matching outfits!
Catherine, it's off of Jungerman near Mexico, it's reasonable and lot's of fun!
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