Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been a bit uninspired lately. We've had a rough patch with Bern's behavior at school and church lately, nothing major, just talking too much, not listening, hands to himself type issues. It was getting everyone down, but we've had lots of good advice and prayers and we are feeling much better about it. I'm a wee bit emotional right now, I think I just needed a good day from him and myself, plus the weather is so nice, my spirits are definitely lifting.

We have an ultrasound scheduled for the 16th, so we are getting excited to find out what kind of bambino is taking up residence in my womb. It's funny how different your first born is from your third born, all I could think about was when the baby would get here, what he would look like, decorating the nursery, etc. I told Brian that I feel bad because other than praying for him/her I don't give this one quite as much thought. As far as the nursery, I have no idea where to put this one, so it will probably be bunking in the co sleeper for a while. Eventually we'll probably move Bern into the basement, but are not quite ready for that. Bella slept in our room for almost 7 months, because Bern wasn't ready to be moved out of the crib, it seems to work better for nursing anyway.

Going outside to enjoy the weather now!

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