Friday, June 5, 2009

6 years old!

6 years ago today Brian and I were getting settled in the hospital with contractions. Little man was born around 9:15pm, weighing a whopping 8lbs, 14 oz. We were smitten with him from the moment his cone-shaped head popped out.


You are a fun-loving, out-going little boy. You are a social butterfly, introducing yourself to whoever will listen. You love to take things apart and figure out how they work, your brain is constantly in motion. You love helping daddy, grandpa's, and whoever comes to the house with a tool box.

You are a great big brother, teaching Bella things she normally wouldn't want to do and playing very well with her. You are headstrong, and we know that someday you will be determined for a very good cause. We love you and cannot believe you are already 6!

At the hospital.

About 2 1/2

3 years old.

4 1/2 years old.
Happy Birthday Bern!

Love, Daddy and Mommy


Connie said...

I'd like to add my thoughts that Bern is also a very loving, affectionate and compassionate little boy. He has a very big heart and always talks about how much he loves Daddy, Mommy and Bella when he's visiting me. Then when asked if he's ready to go home and see them he always says "umm - can I stay just one more day?" He can talk about anything and everything and is quite convincing when he's trying to get you to see his point of view. Love you Bern! Grammy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bern! -Love your cousin Sam.

BTW: Sam and I were just looking at all the photos on your site. When he saw you and your preggo belly, he informed me that he too, had a baby in his belly and it was coming out soon.