Sunday, August 24, 2008

1st Ever Family Fun Night

One of the blogs that I read does a themed family fun night on a regular basis, and we thought we'd give it a shot. We went with a movie theme but couldn't come up with a game to go with it, so we set up an obstacle course in the basement. Whenever you touched something, you got a horn beep, courtesy of Bernard. When that got old it turned into a tickle fight, because lets face it, who doesn't love a good tickle fight?

We rented the Bee movie, and ate nachos on the couch while we watched it. Then, to top it all off, we had chocolate chip cookies with ice cream on top. Can we party or what???

Brian going through the treacherous course with his eye's closed, so wild.

Bella didn't quite understand the rules, and pretty much touched everything.

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