Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bella Dancerella

Today was "watch day" at Bella's dance studio. Once a month the teachers pull the shades up so we can watch our future dance stars. A little distracting for the kids, they want to wave and run up to the window, so I can see now why it only happens once a month.

The balance beam, check out her friend cheering her on.

The bear, Bella's favorite tumbling move.

The log roll and the parachute.

The teacher had them line up back to back, then would play music and they would break out and freestyle. One time when they lined up, Bella had a hand on each of her friends butt cheeks. Guess she couldn't resist those cute little leotard-clad bottoms!!


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are precious!!! elizabeth

Hayli S said...

Oh, I can't WAIT for Addison to be old enough for dance classes!! So, stinkin' cute!