Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Need to Take Him Camping

Bern decided that instead of taking a nap, his time would be better spent building a tent. The kid will build a tent out of anything, today he stripped the sheets off of the guest bed and now he and Bella are having a little camp out. They have been playing so good together, it makes the stress of having the kids so close together worth it.

Bella's a bit disheveled from her nap.

1 comment:

ErinL said...

We constantly seem to have a fort of some sort in our house and it is usually in the most inconvenient place! Yesterday I took one down that had been up for 4 days and it was right in front of our front door! Unfortunately that is the closest my kids will ever get to camping. We went to family camp with cub scouts once and it was HORRIBLE! NEVER AGAIN!!!