Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Think We Have a Problem...

Bella is a bit of a fashionista, but I believe it might be getting out of hand. Note Bella's choice of outfit for a bike ride around the cul de sac.

Disclaimer: Bella's closet is not normally this messy, and she is between a size 6 and 7 right now which is why there are some similar looking shoes. Better watch your credit cards, Daddy!


Landra Lynn said...

OH! That is such an adorable photo!

On a completely unrelated note, we are hosting a "cookie sale" to help support Nie and her family.

If you would like to help, feel free to visit


Anonymous said...

Bella does love jewelry! Every time she comes to my house she heads straight for the drawer where I keep costume jewelry and spends an hour going through everything, trying it on.