Monday, November 24, 2008

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

Welcome to the post that is all about babies. Speaking of, Mr. Reid N. entered the world last Friday morning, weighing in at 8lbs, 4 oz and sporting a full head of dark hair. He is so precious and full of baby goodness, I asked his mommy if she thought that I could get pregnant by sniffing his head. Welcome little man, we are so excited to meet you. Also new to the world is little Aubrey Shiloh, and by little I mean 10lbs, 7 0z! God bless Niki and her toddler I mean baby!!

Since this is a baby post I would normally put some pictures up of the kids when they were newborns, but a certain someone might have taken shots of a newborn Bella at the hospital with a camera that was void of film. I won't formally name who that certain someone is, but let's just say he feels bad about it.

When I told Bern and Bella about the arrival of Reid, they were very excited and wanted to go see him in the hospital. I explained that having a baby makes the mommy sleepy and a little sore, and that it is best to wait a while and let the mommy and baby adjust. Bern then asked the inevitable question of how the baby comes out of the mommy's tummy. Que silence, birds chirping. I decided to go the easiest route I could think of, and told him that babies come out of their mommy's bottom. Que more silence and birds chirping. After a minute or two, Bern says "Are you serious about this stuff"? Yes Bern, unfortunately I am. If only a stork could deliver one to our doorstep, life would be so much easier.


ErinL said...

Oh yes, I remember answering that question about a year ago. I explained it and then got a book. After reading the book I figured there would be an onslaught of questions. Nope....all Evan wanted to know is why they said the word penis so much!

Anonymous said...

What a good husband to feel bad about something that was never even his responsibility...