Monday, November 3, 2008

Bowling and a Big Decision

Bella gently pushing her purple ball down the alley.

Bern chucking the green ball.

I got in a funk on Saturday, my house needs a cleaning and I'm having trouble getting it done. Most of you who know me know how I like my house to be just so, but between living with 2 munchkins, the gorgeous weather, and various activities I've been slacking. I was a little pouty about it, we had a morning of bowling scheduled with our small group and I even debated staying home so I could get it done, but I realized the my messy house is a good thing. I love that I've got 2 fun-loving kids that leave fake bugs in the fridge, and baby dolls in my bed. I love that we have good friends that we can meet for lunch at unsanitary McDonald's, veggie tales shows and bowling on Saturdays.
I am going to choose to embrace my messy house, because it means we're having fun. On the same note, we have been praying about adding a third child to our family for a few months now, and have come to the decision to start trying. We love being parents, and are very excited! Operation baby#3 is officially on!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! Sounds like your weekend away is a good time to start!! : )

Mom said...

I'm looking forward to a 3rd grandbaby and hope it's as sweet as Bern and Bella!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you left your messy house to come play with small group on Saturday. :-) Elizabeth