Monday, November 17, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas

Christmas 2007

I've officially started my Christmas shopping today. Can it seriously be time for this already? Usually I have a good idea of what I'm getting the kids, but I hadn't noticed anything super cool yet, so Bella and I ventured into toysrus today to check out the goods. I wasn't sure how I was going to buy anything without her seeing it, but was able to distract her with some musical books, snacks, and hid the goods with our winter coats. I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I find a good gift, although because I'm a instant gratification kind of gal I want to give it to them right away. There has been times when I bought them a birthday gift too early, given it to them, and had to go buy another one. Brian loves it when I do that.

The kids have a train set and table, which I swore I'd never, ever buy but got the train set for $5 at a yard sale so naturally I had to get a table on eBay. Anyway they play with it a ton, so we thought we'd get them some new accessories to freshen it up a bit. Imaginarium had the coolest polar express set, with bridges, tunnels, santa, elves, Christmas tree, etc. It looks like so much fun, I can't wait to give it to them. I love gifts that make them use their imagination, and it is a huge bonus if they are wooden ( I don't know why, wood just seems better than plastic). Extra double bonus if they do not need batteries.

The store was already crowded, and some shelves were already bare. I asked an associate where I certain item was and their were 2 other people in the aisle waiting for the same thing by the time he brought it to me. So apparently the superfriends batman cave is a "hot item" this year, and there is one hiding in the basement with Bern's name on it. Yay for consumerism.

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