Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Through Little Eyes

Yesterday I was getting Bernard ready for school, and asked him to move quickly because daddy was going to go vote on the way. I explained to him that daddy was voting for the next president of the United States and that the president was in charge of our country just like daddy's in charge of our family (I guess that makes me vice president, but I have lots of veto power). Background: Bern is very animated when talking, lots of gestures, wiggling, and expressions. He said (while gesturing with his hands) "Mommy, are you serious about all this pwesident stuff?" Brian said that they waited in line at the polling place for a bit, then Bern said "So where is the pwesident at, daddy?"

For once I was glad to have the last name of Luitjohan, the A-K line was out the door but my line was wide open. Bella probably made my ballot invalid, she circled under and around the booth the entire time I voted, causing it to shake a bit. I'm sure the people voting next to me were very appreciative that I brought my 3 year old!

Cute link that brought a smile to my face:

1 comment:

Too Soon To Tell said...

I always took my kids to vote, too. I love it! Chase (10) thinks they should lower the voting age to 13. Thanks for the link to the pictures. I really enjoyed it.