Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So Slick

Last night I went to get Bella's bed-time snack (she gets a little cereal or fishes in a tiny cup) Brian informed me that she refused to brush her teeth so she didn't get a snack. Later she was on the toilet and afterward told Brian that she gets a marshmallow for going poo (we reward our children for this sort of thing). Brian interjected that we didn't have marshmallows, Bella said "I think we do." Later as he was putting her down for the night she said "why don't you just check, mmmk?"

Do you think Bella went to bed without a snack? Brian might be just a bit smitten with his princess. I asked him who he loves more, me or Bella. He said "that's a hard question." Thanks, honey. At least I can be grateful that my husband loves our kids so much.


Anonymous said...

As I sit here and try to catch up on your blog...Jack and Natalie just came up and started waving at the pictures of Bella and Bern. Natalie just leaned over and said, "Mommy, I miss Bella." Sniff, Sniff. Jack asked me if one day we can go to Bern's house...Sniff, Sniff. We miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Considering both princesses in the house get whatever they ask of me, I would say you are both loved equally.