Friday, October 10, 2008

The Thing That Goes Bump in the Night

We are having a bit of trouble with Bernard staying in bed lately. We'll wake up to noises in the middle of the night, and he'll be in the fridge, or downstairs, in my purse sneaking coins. He's had an obsession with money lately (not really for spending, just for playing with).
It's getting frustrating, and we've tried incentives, punishments, praying with, etc. The sneakiness is what bothers us the most (and the middle of the night wakings). I've cut out his nap, thinking that maybe he is getting too much sleep and that's why he's been waking, but it is still happening. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Send him to Texas I'll straighten him out...or I'll just keep him so Ty can have his buddy back.

Heather said...

Will do, he is on his way.

Anonymous said...

It's a stage, he'll get past it. Take your purse in your bedroom at night so he's not tempted to count money; lock the basement door; run him around the block to get him tired; feed him a snack before bedtime. Just random thoughts...
Remember when you used to wake in the middle of the night and crawl out your bedroom window? But you were 16.