Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday Confessions

My name is Heather, and I am a sugar addict.

I've eaten about 3 lbs. of Halloween candy already this season, usually in a corner with my back turned so the kids don't notice, perfecting the art of opening the wrappers so as not to alert tiny little ears. But, when the children kindly ask for a treat I become all Mrs. Healthy Hypocrite on them, saying that that it'll spoil their dinner or ruin their teeth. Send help, please, or at least more chocolate.


Selena said...

I can totally relate. To burying wrappers at the bottom of the bin so nobody would suspect. To shrugging my shoulders when someone wants to know where all the cake has gone.

Sugar is an addiction. The scientific community is starting to wake up to the fact that sugar can be as addictive as heroin.

And there is a way out. I used to binge constantly, feel bad on the inside while looking ok on the outside (if a bit tubby), was depressed and had no energy.

The thing that has helped me the most is a book called Potatoes not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons. I now eat just 3 meals a day, have confidence and no longer inhale sweet stuff. She also has a website if you're interested at

Best wishes from someone who's been there.

Heather said...

Thanks Selena, but the post was tongue in cheek. I appreciate the thoughts, though!

Anonymous said...

Heather..this is funny