Thursday, November 6, 2008

Heading West

We are off to California early tomorrow morning for this. On Sunday we'll be heading to Reno to stay at our friend Dean and Jill's house, where we will expect them to drop everything and entertain us, and they will because they don't get visitors very often and they love us. We all grew up together, Jill and I evened roomed together in college (till sophomore year, when the room grew a bit too small and we had to get a divorce, but then we were OK again). Jill also feels the same way about food as I do, we were the only ones in our dorm who didn't have a meal plan in the cafeteria. We would cook weird creations in our micro fridge (remember those?) and beg our parents to come and take us out to dinner. Anyways, should be a good time!

While we are gone we will miss cuddling munchkin #1 and munchkin #2, but will spend our time lounging, eating at yummy restaurants, reading, and doing other things that are hard to do once you become parents. Not sure if I will have time to post while we are gone, and kind of want to steer clear of computers for a few days anyway, as I've been spending way too much time online lately. I'll miss you all and see you Wednesday!


Michelle Ross said...

Yay! We are going to the STL one in a few weeks! Let me know how it goes!

Hayli S said...

I've heard about these... definitely want to hear what you think about it afterward!

Anonymous said...

I'm having withdrawl symptoms since I miss your posts so much...hope you're having a good time!