Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We made a gingerbread house today! I've never done it before, it was fun. How long do you think that the candy will last? I think it is very likely to be bare by Christmas.

Do you think that icing that doubles as glue is bad for an unborn baby? Because I might of eaten some. Just a little bit. Less that 1/2 cup. And maybe some gumballs too. Sorry Baby, it's not that I don't love you and care for your development, it's just that I might have a sweet tooth.

There was a gingerbread man casualty before the day was over.

Look what Mr. Man came home with today. I don't know where he gets the talking during reading circle time from, I really don't. I'm as quiet as a mouse, he must get it from Brian.


Anonymous said...

I have report cards of Heather's from K-6, all with comments on the back that read "talks too much in class" "does not stay at her desk during quiet time". Gee, I wonder where Bern may have inherited this trait.
I do still have the report cards to prove this.

Anonymous said...

The story wasn't much different in grades 10-16 either...

Anonymous said...

Bern is so cute!!!!Elizabeth